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Balston NMR Dry Gas Generators NMR及干燥气体发生器


Balston NMR and Dry Gas Generators

Balston NMR and Dry Gas Generators supply ultra-dry, purified compressed air to NMR Spectrometers and other analytical instruments. These generators help eliminate costly, inconvenient nitrogen dewars. Their compact designs free up valuable laboratory floor space and they are 100% automatic so you can plug in the generator and forget about it. Parker Balston Dry Gas Generators provide ultra-dry, purified compressed air to analytical instruments. You can reduce the dewpoint to -100°F (-73°C) without operator attention.

Parker delivers each system complete and ready for easy installation. A high efficiency prefiltration system, automatic drains, a 0.01µm final filter, a moisture indicator, and pretested controls are also integral to the design. Parker Balston NMR and Dry Gas Generators are completely automatic, and virtually maintenance free. They are ideal for injecting, spinning, and lifting operations.

  Features & Benefits
  • Supplies ultra-dry, purified compressed air to NMR Spectrometers and other analytical instruments

  • Ideal gas supply for spindle and automatic sample changer

  • Completely eliminates costly, inconvenient nitrogen dewars - never pay for or change out another dewar

  • Compact design frees up valuable laboratory floor space

  • Completely automatic - plug it in and forget about it

欲了解更多Balston滤芯信息 请致电:186 1118 5945 或邮件 balston@126.com


型号 连接端口 流量 应用 领域 品牌 产品类型 CAD 
    空气干燥 Balston 分析气体干燥发生器 N
UDA-300EU       空气干燥 Balston 分析气体干燥发生器 N
UDA-300JA-100       空气干燥 Balston 分析气体干燥发生器 N
UDA-300NA       空气干燥 Balston 分析气体干燥发生器 N
UDA-300UK         Balston 分析气体干燥发生器 N
23377 1/4" NPT 1 SCFM AGS薄膜干燥器 空气干燥 Balston 分析气体干燥发生器 Y
23408 1/4" NPT 2 SCFM AGS薄膜干燥器 空气干燥 Balston 分析气体干燥发生器 Y
23651 1/2" NPT 10 SCFM AGS薄膜干燥器 空气干燥 Balston 分析气体干燥发生器 Y

Product Literature
